Congressional Healthcare for Heroes Petition
An urgent initiative of Veterans in Defense of Liberty

U.S. Citizens Petition

To The Attention of: U.S. Senators And Representatives

I am appalled that nearly a MILLION veterans in desperate need of healthcare are languishing on VA hospital wait lists. There would be even more but over 200,000 have already died due to lack of care. I strongly support Healthcare for Heroes—a national initiative of Veterans in Defense of Liberty to:

Compel Congress to grant veterans the same health benefits its Members of Congress enjoy so that America’s military heroes can receive the best healthcare wherever and whenever they want it and NOT be victims of rationed medical treatment at Veterans Administration hospitals.

Enough is enough. The long wait lists at the VA are killing our veterans. It’s time for Congress to act and alleviate this perennial problem. The bureaucratic nightmare of the current system is a national disgrace.

Thank you for doing right by those who have sacrificed so much in the service of our country.


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